Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Formal Analytical Report on Recommendation for Career Choice Essay

Formal Analytical Report on Recommendation for Career Choice - Essay Example The report gives details on the requirements to pursue each of the two careers, the roles played by the two professions, their areas of work, as well as the remuneration ranges for each of the two professions. In addition the paper recommend software engineering as the career of choice due to its dynamicity and potential in transforming not only the field of biomedical engineering but also every part of human life. Table of Contents Your Name i University Name i Address i Dear Professor, i This is a formal analytical report on recommendation for career choice. The purpose of the report is to enlighten leaders on the requirements for joining engineering courses particularly in Biomedical engineering and Software Engineering. The report focuses on the roles, demand, and remuneration for software engineers and biomedical engineers in United States. The report also focuses on the factors that determine the salaries for engineers. ... One of the most interesting important and inspiring fields of study is engineering. Engineering is a broad field whose professions colonizes several aspects of life and exploits science and technology to transform creations to enhance life. To be an engineer, one is required to have a deep proclivity towards technology, positive attitude, as well as apparent understanding of mathematics and some fundamental knowledge on scientific law. The two careers I will discuss on are Biomedical Engineering and Software Engineering. The two careers fall under the field of engineering and are somehow related. Biomedical engineering is a field of engineering that focuses on use of technological innovations to advance the healthcare sector. The innovations include generating more accurate and prompt analytical kits and machineries, prosthetic appliances, and synthetic organs. On the other hand, software engineering is a field of professions dealing with designing and safeguarding of computers as we ll as computer systems. Software engineers, areas of work include digital, software and operating systems as well as in computer networks. This report focuses on the details concerning the roles of professionals in each of the profession, the remuneration ranges, as well as reasons why software engineering is a recommendable profession. Roles of Software Engineers and Biomedical Engineers Generally, the two professions engage in developing up to date computerized technologies. However, the roles of biomedical engineers are extensive thus there are several other partitions but the roles of the specialists in these subdivisions intermingle. On the other, hand, software engineering entails coming up with new software to enhance different computers

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